With the start of the trip just a few days away, I thought it would make just SO much sense if I converted from a PC to a Mac today. Actually, I decided about a month ago that I wanted to take a laptop computer with me on the trip. At the time, I only had a desktop PC that I was using for my business. My husband is a dyed-in-the-wool Mac user and it has killed him that we’ve had different systems in the house as long as we’ve lived together (maybe it has just killed him that I don’t use a Mac). Anyway, when the new duo core came out, he saw a way to ease me back to the Mac. He worked and worked on me, and I have finally relented. Not that I don’t think that Macs are great, it’s just that I’m used to my PC now AND, PC are substantially less expensive than Macs. But I allowed myself to give in to the beauty of the Mac. About three weeks ago, I bought my new Mac (a MacBook Pro, for those of you who care about such things). I slowly started setting up the computer and migrating documents over the last couple of weeks. I’ve been dreading the migration of my mail from Outlook to a Mac compatible system. It seems my dread was not without reason; I spent about four hours today trying to bring my contacts and mail messages over from the PC to the Mac. The fix for the contacts was rather simple - not “file/save as” simple – but download Mozilla (with Mozilla mail) export contacts from Outlook into Mozilla, then save them as an ldsomethingsomething file that is recognized by Mac Mail. Then I was able to export the contacts from Mozilla and import them into Mail.
That only took about 1 ½ hours to do. But with my success, I was feeling confident. I then decided to import my message (related to the tour) from Outlook into Mozilla mail. That worked like a charm, but when I tried to export the mail messages from Mozilla to a file that I could import into the Mac Mail, I found that Mozilla did not provide an export option and there was absolutely no help info on the site to guide me.
I tried sending all of the messages to myself as attachments in a mail message (found that suggestion online), but that made the message too big and my service provider wouldn't allow me to send the large message. I suppose I could have tried breaking the messages up into smaller groups and sending them that way. But I just decided to wing it. I believe that I have all of the relevant details that I need for the trip printed out and sorted into my folders by day and venue, and I have a huge (7 page) contact list with all my vendors and venue contact numbers and addresses. I really should have everything I need. If I don’t, I can’t imagine that an email is going to help me out.
So, starting on Saturday, I’ll be a full time Mac user. It is so exciting and should lead to greater marital bliss.